dcarrera David Carrera

Head of the DataCentric Computing research group
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)

Associate Professor (Professor Agregat)
Computer Architecture Department
UPC BarcelonaTech

Co-Founder, CTO & Chairman
Nearby Computing - link

Contact information

UPC BarcelonaTech
K2M Building
Office S208b
Jordi Girona, 1-3
08034 Barcelona
Catalunya, Spain
Tel. +34 93 4016235
E-mail: david.carrera AT bsc.es

Short bio

David Carrera received the MS degree at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 2002 and his PhD from the same university in 2008. He is an associate professor at the Computer Architecture Department of the UPC. He is also the Head of the "DataCentric Computing" research group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). His research interests are focused on the performance management of data center workloads. In 2018 he was awarded a medal in the Agustín de Betancourt prize for young researchers by the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering. He is co-founder, CTO and Chairman of the start-up NearbyComputing SL.

In 2015 he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant for the project HiEST (2015-2020), and ICREA Academia award (2015-2020) and an ERC Proof of Concept grant ('Hi-OMICS') in 2017 to explore the commercialization of an SDI orchestrator for genomics workloads. He is the PI for several industrial projects and collaborations with IBM, Microsoft Intel and Cisco among others.

He was a summer intern at IBM Watson (Hawthorne, NY) in 2006, and a Visiting Research Scholar at IBM Watson (Yorktown, NY) in 2012. He received an IBM Faculty Award in 2010. He is an IEEE and ACM member.


The focus of the group is to accelerate the processing of data-driven workloads, including large analytics as well as stream processing, in heterogeneous execution frameworks. To achieve this goal, we aim to advance in the field of methods, mechanisms and algorithms for the management of heterogeneous data-center workloads. In particular, the group aims to achieve the following objectives:


I am currently in extended leave.

Ph.D. students

Current: Former:


Page Last Updated: 25 May 2020